Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Matrix Of Oz

The matrix separates reality and this fictional reality. They have a computer make this fake reality that people live in.

The Wizard of Oz has Dorthy who is in the real world and she dreams of this fake world called Oz.

Theyre alike because both acknowledge that their is a real world... atleast were told there is a real world. They both suggest that there is a fictional world. Both treat this fictional world as if it is the real world. Dorthy knew Oz was fake yet she acted like it was real.

Theyre similar because both have a higher power as the designer of the fake world who lives in the real world. Dorthy is in Kansas and dreams of Oz. The architect? I believe that is his title. He is in the real world but makes a computer program that is the fake world.

Theyre different because Dorthy is in control of Oz and can leave it at any given momment. Dorthy is also the only person in Oz who full realizes that Oz is fake. All the other characters know of Kansas by Dorthy but cannot really grasp a world outside of Oz.
Neo struggles with accepting there is a Matrix and a real world but he eventually accepts it. He is not the only person who realizes the difference between the real and the programed. Zion is filled with people who acknowledge the programmmed world. Though they know first hand of the different worlds, unlike Dorothy they cannot do anything to end the fake world.

The stories are also different that although Dorthy is a real character in a dreamed world she lives by the laws of the real world. The people of the Matrix learn how to bend the limitations of reality in the real world since it is fake.

In Oz the witches have "supernatural" abilities while the other characters act somewhat normal. In the Matrix anyone in the fake world can bend the limitations of that world and thus are not limited to a born ability.

They are different in someways by worldview as well.

The Matrix has 2 large oppressed sides of this war and it is a clear cut war. The Wizard of Oz has the people of Oz who are the majority being ruled by the minority of witches. Lets say the witches' powers are like property... some have it some dont. The people are being ruled because one person has the property and the rest dont. This suppression by force and the eventual triumph over the oppressors is a Marxist/Lenninist view.

The Matrix ends with the 2 large forces agreeing. Agent Smith ends but he isnt the cause of the war. The war ends by the 2 sides just calling truce.

I spent all this time and never addressed how they view reality.

The Matrix treats reality as a separate entity other than the real world. Both exist and both have ties to one another. The Matrix is heavily reliant of the real world. The Matrix is continually being interjected with agents and zionists. The Wizard of Oz has the real world separate from it and it has some looser ties. Dorthy mixes her own experiences and views into Oz but other than that we cannot see her Kansas anymore.I think the tornado and her Kansas floating infront of her window is a symbol of the worlds being mixed and after the mixing there are no more ingredients added.

After going to borders and buying some books I come back with new insight. I do not think the Matrix being a computer generated world means a thing. It does not prove any humanist or theistic thinking. The real dilemma is the architect. It is that one PERSON decided they wanted to create a fictional world. This person is in the real world and wants to create a fictional world and he can make that a reality through the computer programming. I do not care if you are wearing a black or blue suit. I want to know why youre wearing a suit and the colors are symmantics.
If we know why the architect made it... (I bet it says in the movies but I am so far removed from it that it doesnt come to my memory) then we can know why the Matrix exists and what worldview the whole story is. If we know why he made it then we know his worldview.
I sure hope i remember that point because I will most likely forget it by noon tomorrow.

I would also like to say despite my intrigue for this topic I will refrain some looking at outside information to seem wiser in class because that annoys the hell out of everyone. Subtle references have large impacts on minds that know.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Devil and Mammon are Raging Inside Me


im resisting the urge to look.... but i must do to my lack of remembrance

Mammon means wealth in Aramaic

this makes perfect sense and I applaud Milton for remembering his ancient languages better than I do

Mammon is looking at the street of gold lusting for them = he like gooold
He goes to earth and is still looking for gold
he goes for gold in "ribs". who has ribs? people do! hes creating a lust for gold in us

in conclusion I would like to say that Mammon is the demon responsible for creating Greed in humanity
not greed for power because that is Satan who introduced a lust to be like God
but a greed for property. gold. women. and so forth

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wizard of Poztmoderism

the wizard of oz is postmodern. as in it follows post modernism. why?
1. the people believe they need a powerful god like the wizard of oz. they do not really need one though.
2. the god they make up is fake. a scam. a swindler.he is really not a god but someone who they invented to be a god
3. the human mind is the greatest thing in the entire act or movie or whatever
4. you can become whatever you want to be if you believe you are proving that the human mind is the strongest thing and it proves that your mind has the power to create a god and then be powerful enough to submit yourself to that god

all in all youre just another brick in the yellow brick road