Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let Me Try Again

I do not know if it is insecurity or a syndrome of fear but i always think that whatever i write is awwful. Not just bad but repulsive and offends the subject i am addressing.

My last post sucked and everyone knows it so I will try again.

This is a better subject:

I always like the villain and not the hero.
I know we should like the hero.
I know we should like the right side.
I know we should like the light.

But i like the darkness.

I can prove my own arguments wrong but I still feel this and I will try to defend my positions with pop culture references.

1. Darkness provides safety in numbers.
Let us use the world of V for Vendetta and say V never existed. The government would be declared darkness by critics. If you were with the government you were safe with them. If you were a nazi you were safe in world war 2.
The rebutle is that in both instances good prevailed and kicked darknesses butt.
But tell me... If you lived in Germany in 1939 would you be sure that good existed and would win? Id have joined the Nazis. self preservation. If you lived in 1996 (cuz v was a 90s comic. not a 22nd century) would you be certain guy fawkes would come back to save you? i would have worked for fate.

2. Darkness gives solutions
Star Wars. Anakin Skywalker went to the dark side to help save his love. Let us look at Kingdom Hearts. Kyku went into the dark to save Kire. He did not have any better options at the same and even if it was a stretch that darkness would help he would take that gamble.
In both instances the good guy kills the bad guy. Luke kills Darth Vader and Sora vanquishes Kyku.
But if you were in the position to lose someone you love or go to the darkside to help, wouldnt you take the gamble?

I know in both instances good wins in a matter of time. In the real world good will win in a matter of time.
Batman won after Gotham was destroyed. (In the comics Joker replaces batman for like 8 issues).
The allies killed germany.
V destroyed the eyes, the nose, the hand, and eventually fate as a whole.
Luke kills Vader.
Sora never really beats darkness because Kingdom Hearts realizes that as long as there is a light there is a shadow somewhere.

I do not think you understand my fear yet and why I would choose darkness.

Zombie movies.

Zombies kill people. People being the important word there.
You are only a person until a zombie turns you into a zombie.
Zombies create conformity.

Instead of trying to fight all the zombies like you see in every movie, if you were bitten earlier you wouldnt have 3 hours of fear infront of you.
If you side with darkness you have little to fear.

Do i know that good will win in the end? Yes
Does that make me feel better? Ask a Jew in 1942 for that answer.


If your homework assignment was do the art project then yes I did it. If it is more than that I will need to change the font of sams on monday.

My next topic before I get to my title is this:
I understand journaling and I understand why people love it so much. My issue with it is that my hand does not move nearly as fast as my hand does. Once you start digging into something you get 5678 memories and thoughts and your hand can only tackle one at a time. Mrs. Brandmire would say the remedy to this is to journal more and you will gain strength and endurance which creates speed so all i really need to do is journal more.
I think I made this blog my journal. I am probably the worst typer in technique. I watched Dexter's Lab as a kid and Dexter always typed with 2 fingers and he was really fast. Naturally as a kid i decided i would also type with 2 fingers. This means i still type with 2 finges but 10 years of practice means i have 2 very quick fingers.
What I am trying to say is that I have made this blog my live journal. Live Journal was the thing to have before myspace but thats old news so is my new journal.

Nextly I do not wish to talk about that chord post I had last night. Pretty much Paramores new songs werent even written by them. Theyre just Kaiser Chief covers. Decode? its been decoded before? Loves not a competition? it wasnt when the kaisers did it either.

Now on to Highschool Musical 3. Naturally looking at a kids movie makes you walk away thinking. These are my thoughts.
Some parents plan their childrens future so when they grow up their parents have a plan for them which theyve known for 18 years. Not the best but o well.
There is also we had complete free choice in our past and we ruined it so now our future is limited.
Let say my parents wanted me to go to UW so when i grew up they made me go to UW. Not fun for me in some instances.
Lets say my parents let me do anything i want so i do poorly at school and cannot get into UW if i wanted to.

Theres alot of things that can ruin our future and not many ways to make anything out of it or to correct it.
I guess were all Troy Fulton in some way.
we gotta get get get getcha head in the game.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm a Banana!

I'm a Banana!

that is the senior quote

this chord diagram might come in handy for tomorrows blog


e ---|---|---|---|---|
B ---|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|---|-x-|---|---|
B ---|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|---|---|---|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|---|-x-|---|---|

e ---|-x-|---|---|---|
B ---|---|-x-|---|---|
G ---|---|---|-x-|---|
D ---|---|---|-x-|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|-o-|---|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B ---|-x-|---|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B -x-|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|-x-|---|---|
E ---|---|-o-|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B -x-|---|---|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|-x-|---|---|---|
B ---|---|-x-|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|---|---|---|---|
A ---|---|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e -x-|---|---|---|---|
B -x-|---|---|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|---|-x-|---|---|
A ---|---|-x-|---|---|
E -x-|---|---|---|---|

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pictures are Worth 20% off with a Sears Discount

I finally got my senior pictures taken. I procrastinated like none other.

I wanted to get something taken like my early year pictures. I got my kindergarten picture taken on a slide and I was in my green corduroys that I liked so much. I got my Pre K picture taken on a train. They were adorable looking back on them. Theyre those pictures that you want your parents to show people. I am not being conceited but rather proud that I once has an adorable smile and now you think that you look odd.

That is how I began my academic life. On a train.

I wanted to leave my academic life on that same train. I went to walmart and Sears and they do not have a train. What Sears did have was an odd photographer and did not care what people wanted to do. I mean this as in he was not a photographer that says do this or that but rather gave a suggestion or told you how to do what was in your head. He let me bring my youth into my senior.

I took 9 pictures. 9 hilarious pictures. well 7 hilarious and 2 cute. 1 of the hilarious is down right epicly hilariously amazingly funny.

I came in on a train and im leaving with a lamb in a bath tub.

everyone takes pictures of people with a backdrop or people in a sweater and a romantic scenery. Its boring! why do we all have to have the same picture style? Maybe just Maybe someone wants to do something different.

My mother does not like them. She was raised when girls wore dresses and guys wore suits in their senior photo. She completely hates them. My dad is indifferent. My sister thinks theyre hilarious. My sisters friend's mom hates them.

I can see Johnson kinda maybe liking them. I can see faculty hating them. I can see students thinking theyre epic. I think if you look at them creatively its cool. I think if you think of them as dissrespectful you are missing the point.

Let us look at a movie named Patch Adams. Let us look at his graduation. Everyone is finely dressed and its so formal and proper and yep. BUUTT Patch walks in with a patients gown with no pack and moons everyone. I remember it being funny as a really little kid. It is so out of place it can be taken offensively or funny.

My dad said if i can live with showing my kids that when im 40 then its fine.
I can easily do that.

I do not want to show my kid a picture of me and then 72 pictures just like them. "gee dad, youre quite the conformist."

I want to be that "gee dad, you might as well have worn a patients gown"

I am serious. I have given up most of my humor for seriousness. I do not want to be remembered as serious all the time. I want to be remembered as imaginative.

That is what i was going for.

Although I may be 13 years older, I still will ride that train. I am not too cool for a train.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Study Hall in the Computer Lab

I want to blog everyday and I will start with my observations of the 3 people around me in the computer lab and turn it into a lit term or life lesson.

Jacob is coloring his Civics homework and he is coloring it all predominately blue. Blue meaning democrat. Blue meaning Obama will win. He wants McCain to win but he realizes that Obama will most likely PWN. This shows that Jacob can see things realistically. He sets aside his own feelings and can see things for how they can be. Jacob is right handed. He colors with blue in his right hand. Jacob is just an average joe. If he was left handed he would mean more. Can something so small as our hand determine our status in life? Alot of actors are left handed. Link from Zelda holds his sword left handed. Inductive reasoning says lefties mean more. But that is as inductive as a Narnian curse.

Cameron speaks loudly and about nothing. He speaks loudly to make up for the lack of depth of what he says. He is blabbering and quite annoying.

Matt Anderson is lying on his resume. A lie will get him into college. A lie can help him succeed. The truth has him go to BCC with all the other potential average joes. A lie can help that average Joe to go UW. so why tell the truth? Curious.

Mrs. Pitts enforces everything the school says. I wonder if it is fear of losing her job for disobeying or her natural personality that makes her so ordinant. She spends her free time on her job. He does her job to the T. Because she does her job so accurately she has a low morale rate. I wonder if you can lose your job for doing is too accurately. If no one likes you no one will keep you around. But if you spend all your time having people like you then you are not doing your job.

I will even be so bold as to critique the chapel today. Well done good sir. The only issue is that starting with something funny makes you want to only hear funny so once something serious comes up it is impossible to stay focused. The idea is to entice people into the sermon. Being funyn is the hook. It is the riff to start your song. The issue is that if the riff is the only good part of the song people will turn it off after the first 30 seconds. I suppose every sermon giving technique is difficult so that is why I applaud you to no end.

The only reason why you made it into this blog is because you dart in and out of the room to your computer and back.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I did not need to blog but oh well

I was a 4th hour winner but I have no problem doing this homework.

BUUTTT since I do not have to do the homework I will answer it as I wish and not directly answer any question asked.

Art can be absolutely anything if it is defined as art by a society or some type of body. In the future everyone can think of a locker as art and by George that is art to them. So art can be anything if it meets a society's standard. We could view the Colosseum as art today but back in the day it was just a structure. Art is defined by a group of people and not an individual. The relationship between a person and art is mostly just the aesthetic response. I can say I like something or do not like something but that does not deprive its title from being art. Also just because I say it is art, that does not make it so.

I can say my table is art. My table is just wood with a blue table clothe. Do you think my table is art? I think it is art. I really do! Why dont you think that? Maybe because I do not define art but you are going off of the standard made by society.

So it can include anything and it can exclude anything. It depends on the time and society. People can think a massacre is art while we view it as horrific. I believe theres a cultural difference but society is in a culture.

There is Art. Culture. Society. Person. I would say that is the chain of events.

Monday, October 20, 2008

No Assignment

I did not write a journal today. All I wrote was blah over and over again. I am away from my journal so this is what I will put in it.

Life is unfair but it supposed to be. It is supposed to suck but remember to smile. We hate what we should do and reward the rebels. We praise every girl who will blow easily and we ridicule the girls that do what is right.

Cheat and you will fail. Cheat and you will succeed. Try on your own and you will be tagged as mediocre. Mediocre does not drive a Mercedes. Mediocre rides a bicycle. Why should we not cheat then?

If everyone cheats then how will we progress? If we do not move forward we will move backwards.

Cheaters always prosper. Doing what is right makes sure someone can.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

1. God in the Universe - " This'll be the day I die"
By declaring he will die that day or knowing he will die that day shows the human is the god of the universe.

2. Humanity and Identity- " I was a teenage broncin' buck"
Humans are developing creatures which shows they develop in stages. He was a broncin buck but we changes. Humanity is constantly changing.

3. Conflict- " Bye bye Miss American Pie"
His love of music. his love. its dying. thats conflicting

4. Hope and Redemption- "The day the music dies"
He wants his music back. His hope is that it comes back but it cant so he has no redemption.

5. Values- " I met a girl who sang the blues" " Bye Bye miss American Pie"
Theres a connection but I dont want to discuss it. He values his music. Not so much the rest of the world.

6. Truth- " I couldnt take one more step"
He is talking about himself and his relationship with the world this whole time. The only universe we know from this work is him and music. To say the world is nothing without music is not based on this work. To say the author is representing a secular humanist view of himself is correct.
