Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I did not need to blog but oh well

I was a 4th hour winner but I have no problem doing this homework.

BUUTTT since I do not have to do the homework I will answer it as I wish and not directly answer any question asked.

Art can be absolutely anything if it is defined as art by a society or some type of body. In the future everyone can think of a locker as art and by George that is art to them. So art can be anything if it meets a society's standard. We could view the Colosseum as art today but back in the day it was just a structure. Art is defined by a group of people and not an individual. The relationship between a person and art is mostly just the aesthetic response. I can say I like something or do not like something but that does not deprive its title from being art. Also just because I say it is art, that does not make it so.

I can say my table is art. My table is just wood with a blue table clothe. Do you think my table is art? I think it is art. I really do! Why dont you think that? Maybe because I do not define art but you are going off of the standard made by society.

So it can include anything and it can exclude anything. It depends on the time and society. People can think a massacre is art while we view it as horrific. I believe theres a cultural difference but society is in a culture.

There is Art. Culture. Society. Person. I would say that is the chain of events.

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