Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

War All of the Time

I think war is grand. I moved my computer into my room because its just better here. Laptops are so portable. In my room you will see instantly 2 large civil war portraits. Over my bed is Confederate currency and a hand drawn sketch of Gettysburg. I have 30 books on war and some 20 war history movies. I truly do think war is grand.
I do like the battles and such but those bore me now. The battle of war is boring now but the purpose of war is riveting.
War has to be killing people. If war was blowing up cars that is meaningless. Cars can be replaced. Money can be replaced. Anything can really be replaced. People cannot be replaced. You cannot bring someone back from the dead and that is why war is about killing people. It is that loss of life that makes war killing people.
In a love for war I tried to come up with my cure for war. My plan for world peace.
The biggest issue with world peace is that it is truly impossible. See with every war there is a winner and a loser. The loser is then put into shame and then wants to somehow overthrow the winner. Germany tried twice. They were bitter.
It has Marx's belief in 2 classes. The lower will want to overthrow the upper so let us continue thinking like marxists. Let us use Marx's beliefs and make world peace out of it. World peace will come if everyone is equal but not everyone can win because there must be a loser.
So my strategy for world peace is this: Everyone must lose the same way.
If the entire world was hit by a meteor and a lot of people died... no one would care about their wars anymore. If aliens attacked the world people would join together and have world peace because they all lost together. No one is greater than another anymore because everyone lost.

They have to lose the same because if one person lost 1 sheep and another 5 the person that lost 1 sheep was a winner and the person that lost 5 would be jealous.

That plan sounds so completely doable yet it is impossible.

War will not end but in theory aliens can save us.

Why Do We Write?

It has been brought to my attention that I write too much. So why do we write at all?

Are we writing to the piece or to the audience?
I cant help and think that Marx wrote to himself and that Mein Kamf was to pass the time but really I do not think changing the world was the authors intention. I think they wrote to you. I do not mean you as in whoever you are. I do not know who reads this. I do not know who will ever read it. "You" are the one person that reads the piece and can understand or relate. You are the person sitting in the front seat of the auditorium while someone practices the piano. You are the reason people write. Yes people do write to help themselves by getting their feelings on paper. Yes people write for money and some write for a bigger purpose. I know I write for you. I imagine Hitler and Marx wrote for you. You. The one person that might listen. You do not have to agree or believe it but you are the one person that reads it and for you we write.

One thing I did not like about today was how people asked questions to the Bible guild but they used their own personal conflict with one person on the board into it. Do not bring your own personal disputes into a public place.
One thing I did wish though was that the guild fighting each other. There was 1 Calvinist 2 Arminians and 1 nondenominational that seemed lost. The Calvinist was by far the wisest. By no means did he agree completely with the other 3. I think it would have been beautiful to see everyone turn and to see this argument among them. All their knowledge battling each other. Attack, attack, rebutle, attack. Debates are chess but more like war.
It was in this personal grievance that I think I know what I wish blogs were. I wish this medium of writing was conducted. You have the piece. The readers can be critics and comments are the place to say how I am wrong. I actually enjoy being told I am wrong. I get really angry. Very angry and it is in that anger that one has 2 choices: defend yourself and prove you are right or stand corrected. It is a great feeling to need a defense or submit.
Write with controversy. Write with the words you wish you could say in person but never could.
Do not write a text message or something someone already knows. If your audience knows what you are going to say it might not be worth writing. Write about that thing that you only know. In person you feel like you would need 200 words to describe an apple and you have always wanted to describe an apple. The blog can be that place to say the things you could not put into words. Do not say things most people already know but describe that apple that only you know about. If you can text it it probably isnt worth publishing. It might take someone 500 words and some 1000 to say what they want and it is fine. As long as you have the idea and the finger strength you have the audience but nobody wants to hear what they already know.

Do mind that this is directed at this people that blog outside of assignments. Assignment blogs and these kinds of things are separate things.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marxist Relations

I would say that relationships are marxist. Not love relationships but more like the relationship between workers or a student teacher relationship.
It has what Marx is talking about.
teachers are above the student and they keep it that way. They maintain order and discipline so that the class can progress. Yes it progresses but to the amount that the person in charge allows.

Lets look at another place in which people learn. Small groups. I do not have a small group nor do i intend on joining one but let us look at the ideology of it. Small group has a leader but that leader is part of the group. He is not above the group nor below the group but rather a part of the group. I do not know how well this works or if people follow it exactly but this is another method of teaching.

Marxist teaching has pros and cons. It does maintain order quite well so it is the most functional. You can meet deadlines and standards quite easily but you can create suppression. If the teacher is above the class then equality cannot happen and this leads to favorites. Teachers have favorites. Bosses have favorites. This creates classes. You have the teacher and then the favorites then the normal kids then the undesirable ones.

I say nothing about the class being good or not because the teacher controls that so it can vary.

A small group session may have the leader but he is one of ten. That leader may have a favorite but they are all one of ten. No one has more authority than another so progress can occur. You may not meet standards or deadlines easily because you will not have much order in this method but hopefully you are trading off for a better understanding.

Now I will bluntly attack those people that feel that they need to rule with authority with an iron fist. You are not better than me nor am I better than you. You are only qualified to hold your position because you were born first. Because you were born first you went to college first and thus are teaching but that does not mean you are better. No one controls when they are born. The moral is you can be in authority because that is the style you have chosen to rule by but once you have used that power to say I am better than you for this and that you have created classes.

How this is marxist must be quite obvious. The lower class will eventually overthow the upper class. Workers will quit their jobs and leave their bosses empty handed. People will rise up and overthrow the government. Students will act rebelliously to upset the teacher.

It is all quite marxist. Just be careful how you treat the people below you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Endless Waltz

Of course i never like my blogs so i will leave multiple.

I am going to be blasphemous and say I am the new Nietzsche.
Why? because i have some bold theories and thoughts that you can tear apart and you will talk about them and say they are garbage but I would like to see people come up with better and even if they are complete garbage for the first time in your life you are thinking and not thinking like you were taught to but thinking like you should.

I have 4 brain babies. I call them my brain babies because they were born in my mind and they grow there and they change there and i think about them there and that is where my babies live.

My babies:
Endless Waltz was born first in July
Redemption of the Future is the second mid September
358/X was born this past Saturday along with his sister
Birth by Sleep

I would like to talk about Endless Waltz first.
It was born before i knew anything like this already existed. These are straight up thoughts and ideas and they should be blasphemous and wrong.

Endless Waltz was my answer to why everything wrong continues to happen. Why everything continues to happen. It does have the same name as a Gundam Wing movie but it has no relation to the movie.

A waltz is a 3 beat per measure dance. Endless meaning it never stops. So my endless waltz is a 3 beat dance that never stops.
This same idea is close to another 3 beat idea. the thesis. antithesis and synthesis.

My waltz in war. The revolution, the war, the peace which gives way to a later revolution, another war, and more peace. This is quite marxist. very marxist.

My waltz in relationships. the disagreement, the fight, the settlement.
My waltz in the economy. the recession, the depression, the boom.
My waltz politics. the idea, the action, the compromise.

My waltz is a beautiful dance. The beginning, the climax, the falling action.

and you can go throw history and see my waltz. you can go throw your life and see my waltz.
sometimes the maestro changes the tempo so things happen differently. sometimes something happens and you sit a dance out so it doesnt happen the way i say. but my waltz goes on and on.

can my waltz end? probably yes but I do not see any sign of it
I imagine someone has had this idea before. I imagine people have claimed this same exact thing but I do not know of it. If more do say this then I have been dancing with company for quite sometime.

Life is a dance within a dance within a dance within a dance.
We are born. we live. we die.
while we live we procreate and the dance continues. not with us but the dance lives on.
We eat. we digest. we excrete. which requires more to eat.
we learn. we test. we graduate so we can learn more and test more and graduate on

everything has an exception. everything can be proven wrong. everything has a hole. ahhh but in that hole is another exception which proves more wrong which leaves more holes.

everything my fallacies are waltzing.

I assume so much to be true and I expect so little to change
But we are still waltzing.

people are suffering...

" why do we fall down bruce? so we learn to pick ourselves up"

ya know what. people are suffering.
ya know what. they should

in my sad and sick head there are 2 different kinds of suffering. there is a helpless suffering that people are stuck with and there is a temporary suffering that will go away.
Example of the first would be african people starving. theyre suffering
an example of the second would be my mother has cancer.

both are awful. in no way and i saying this should make you glad. i cannot help the first really. i cannot save them. i cannot aid them to the point that they need. i applaud them for being better than i am.
the second though... i almost want to say we should let them suffer

my reason is because they are walking away from this so much better than before if they realize it. should we ignore them in their suffering? no. but should we make it so that they no longer feel any suffering? no

this is the first time someone could be faced with seeing someone die. that is a very important thing. the whole theme of the world is this is my escape. we should stop trying to escape and face that suffering.

we turn to drugs, sex, drinking, friends, music, art, journals. anything to get us away from this suffering. we keep running from everything we fear and we run from everything that causes us pain. we need pain. should our lives be pain? no. but we need pain.

Pain and suffering are either important to us maturing or through pain and suffering we do mature. Jesus was tempted, Paul was blinded, every greek hero has a fall before they triumph, every comic hero messes up before they succeed.

I never defined suffering or pain here but i do not want to. i want you to define it and then reread everything and see if this all makes sense.

suffering is caused by something. that suffering brings on self trials, self trials brings about triumph, that triumph gives us experience and out of experience comfort and out of that comfort more suffering in time.

lets say my mother has brain cancer, that makes me very worried that she will die, i have to live for 3 months thinking that she might die, she does not die, i have faced a possible death for 3 months and now i am experienced with that. i have grown from my suffering. eventually more suffering will come and i will take that too and grow

the whole point of this is that people try so hard to avoid suffering and in avoiding that suffering they miss any amount of experience they could get

people are suffering
and it is good

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Summer Overture

I know that V is not good but when blogging last night I thought of V as the redemption or hope in the world of England so I used him as the figure of light. V is a figure of darkness and Eve says so because she talks about his whole plot is evil and made out of hatred. In the movie Eve flips out and wants to leave because he is so evil but in the novel she finds this almost attractive? attractive as in it is comforting to her.
If V is the redemption for England so you want to replace darkness with a shadow then your world is in dark hands.

Summer Overture:

originally written by Mozart but redid by Mansel for Requiem for a Dream

A completely different song

I do not expect anyone to ever listen to those songs nor agree that they are good

The relation to these songs is that I marvel over both of them. see i wanted to be a composer when i grew up. i wanted to write the background music to movies. my father played me Jim Brickman as a child and we went to his concerts and he was a composer. i like it so much that when I saw Jim live in the capital building i decided i wanted to be a composer. If more people played Kingdom Hearts i would talk about how that made up my mind completely.

Composing was just this beautiful art in itself and then when you mix it with a movie... well its just an unstoppable force of emotions. Movies in my opinion are the greatest art form we have thus far. Its like every artist got together and decided on one big art. You have the composer who writes music. You have the director who is like painter. You have the actors who are the characters. You have the script writers who are the poets and all these arts hit you at once. You soak in all these art forms at once. The Titanic. What if they had different actors? what if they had different music? what if they had a different setting or script? the combination of all those arts mad a movie and people recognized that movie. you may not like it or deny it but the sales give some merit to my claim.

why would i talk about summer overture then?
Because I would have to say that is my lifes song. My life does not need words. Life has fast and intense movements and slow waltzs. Life is nothing but cut and double time in 4/4 with the metronome driving you onward.

and the summer overture has it all. it has beauty. it has fierce. it has waltzs. it has ballads. it has your a tonal music in places. you could totally picture someone dying to that song. most people think of movie trailers or fighting scenes in movies. its post modern to say but i think you can take anything you want from that song. You could invision stabbing someone to watching a child being born during that song.

But that is the point! i like that i can see 467 things happening in that song because life has 476 things happening in it. People have a life verse and thats cool but i cant say that verse contains life nor would i would to associate my life with all that encompasses in it with a verse and everything it stands for.
So Much Love can only be a life song for so many people and life isnt so much love all the time. Life does not even have words most of the time. I was born without words. I will die without words.
Life is a crescendo with no last note to end the measure.