Monday, October 27, 2008

Endless Waltz

Of course i never like my blogs so i will leave multiple.

I am going to be blasphemous and say I am the new Nietzsche.
Why? because i have some bold theories and thoughts that you can tear apart and you will talk about them and say they are garbage but I would like to see people come up with better and even if they are complete garbage for the first time in your life you are thinking and not thinking like you were taught to but thinking like you should.

I have 4 brain babies. I call them my brain babies because they were born in my mind and they grow there and they change there and i think about them there and that is where my babies live.

My babies:
Endless Waltz was born first in July
Redemption of the Future is the second mid September
358/X was born this past Saturday along with his sister
Birth by Sleep

I would like to talk about Endless Waltz first.
It was born before i knew anything like this already existed. These are straight up thoughts and ideas and they should be blasphemous and wrong.

Endless Waltz was my answer to why everything wrong continues to happen. Why everything continues to happen. It does have the same name as a Gundam Wing movie but it has no relation to the movie.

A waltz is a 3 beat per measure dance. Endless meaning it never stops. So my endless waltz is a 3 beat dance that never stops.
This same idea is close to another 3 beat idea. the thesis. antithesis and synthesis.

My waltz in war. The revolution, the war, the peace which gives way to a later revolution, another war, and more peace. This is quite marxist. very marxist.

My waltz in relationships. the disagreement, the fight, the settlement.
My waltz in the economy. the recession, the depression, the boom.
My waltz politics. the idea, the action, the compromise.

My waltz is a beautiful dance. The beginning, the climax, the falling action.

and you can go throw history and see my waltz. you can go throw your life and see my waltz.
sometimes the maestro changes the tempo so things happen differently. sometimes something happens and you sit a dance out so it doesnt happen the way i say. but my waltz goes on and on.

can my waltz end? probably yes but I do not see any sign of it
I imagine someone has had this idea before. I imagine people have claimed this same exact thing but I do not know of it. If more do say this then I have been dancing with company for quite sometime.

Life is a dance within a dance within a dance within a dance.
We are born. we live. we die.
while we live we procreate and the dance continues. not with us but the dance lives on.
We eat. we digest. we excrete. which requires more to eat.
we learn. we test. we graduate so we can learn more and test more and graduate on

everything has an exception. everything can be proven wrong. everything has a hole. ahhh but in that hole is another exception which proves more wrong which leaves more holes.

everything my fallacies are waltzing.

I assume so much to be true and I expect so little to change
But we are still waltzing.

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