Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Devil and Mammon are Raging Inside Me


im resisting the urge to look.... but i must do to my lack of remembrance

Mammon means wealth in Aramaic

this makes perfect sense and I applaud Milton for remembering his ancient languages better than I do

Mammon is looking at the street of gold lusting for them = he like gooold
He goes to earth and is still looking for gold
he goes for gold in "ribs". who has ribs? people do! hes creating a lust for gold in us

in conclusion I would like to say that Mammon is the demon responsible for creating Greed in humanity
not greed for power because that is Satan who introduced a lust to be like God
but a greed for property. gold. women. and so forth


ÄÐrago said...

bold statement there lad.
give yourself a pat on the back.

Byron Bowden said...
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