Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marxist Relations

I would say that relationships are marxist. Not love relationships but more like the relationship between workers or a student teacher relationship.
It has what Marx is talking about.
teachers are above the student and they keep it that way. They maintain order and discipline so that the class can progress. Yes it progresses but to the amount that the person in charge allows.

Lets look at another place in which people learn. Small groups. I do not have a small group nor do i intend on joining one but let us look at the ideology of it. Small group has a leader but that leader is part of the group. He is not above the group nor below the group but rather a part of the group. I do not know how well this works or if people follow it exactly but this is another method of teaching.

Marxist teaching has pros and cons. It does maintain order quite well so it is the most functional. You can meet deadlines and standards quite easily but you can create suppression. If the teacher is above the class then equality cannot happen and this leads to favorites. Teachers have favorites. Bosses have favorites. This creates classes. You have the teacher and then the favorites then the normal kids then the undesirable ones.

I say nothing about the class being good or not because the teacher controls that so it can vary.

A small group session may have the leader but he is one of ten. That leader may have a favorite but they are all one of ten. No one has more authority than another so progress can occur. You may not meet standards or deadlines easily because you will not have much order in this method but hopefully you are trading off for a better understanding.

Now I will bluntly attack those people that feel that they need to rule with authority with an iron fist. You are not better than me nor am I better than you. You are only qualified to hold your position because you were born first. Because you were born first you went to college first and thus are teaching but that does not mean you are better. No one controls when they are born. The moral is you can be in authority because that is the style you have chosen to rule by but once you have used that power to say I am better than you for this and that you have created classes.

How this is marxist must be quite obvious. The lower class will eventually overthow the upper class. Workers will quit their jobs and leave their bosses empty handed. People will rise up and overthrow the government. Students will act rebelliously to upset the teacher.

It is all quite marxist. Just be careful how you treat the people below you.

1 comment:

Anonomyous said...

Josh you are wrong. I know you'll like that so i won't offend you but you say that people are not better than one another thus the leader should not impose his will on other people, and i guess that you are kind of right but i hold that people's skills are varied. For example, i am better at math than lets say Shelby Ott, and if she and i were to take a single math test and we got different answers on a problem i should impose my will on her, in order that most of the time we would get the right answer right? it would be better for both of us if we could not come to some consensus. However here comes the issue. If Shelby and i were to create a dance then i Shelby should impose her will on me based on her extensive experience and skill in that area. So people are not better than others but in people are not equal, just different.