Wednesday, October 29, 2008

War All of the Time

I think war is grand. I moved my computer into my room because its just better here. Laptops are so portable. In my room you will see instantly 2 large civil war portraits. Over my bed is Confederate currency and a hand drawn sketch of Gettysburg. I have 30 books on war and some 20 war history movies. I truly do think war is grand.
I do like the battles and such but those bore me now. The battle of war is boring now but the purpose of war is riveting.
War has to be killing people. If war was blowing up cars that is meaningless. Cars can be replaced. Money can be replaced. Anything can really be replaced. People cannot be replaced. You cannot bring someone back from the dead and that is why war is about killing people. It is that loss of life that makes war killing people.
In a love for war I tried to come up with my cure for war. My plan for world peace.
The biggest issue with world peace is that it is truly impossible. See with every war there is a winner and a loser. The loser is then put into shame and then wants to somehow overthrow the winner. Germany tried twice. They were bitter.
It has Marx's belief in 2 classes. The lower will want to overthrow the upper so let us continue thinking like marxists. Let us use Marx's beliefs and make world peace out of it. World peace will come if everyone is equal but not everyone can win because there must be a loser.
So my strategy for world peace is this: Everyone must lose the same way.
If the entire world was hit by a meteor and a lot of people died... no one would care about their wars anymore. If aliens attacked the world people would join together and have world peace because they all lost together. No one is greater than another anymore because everyone lost.

They have to lose the same because if one person lost 1 sheep and another 5 the person that lost 1 sheep was a winner and the person that lost 5 would be jealous.

That plan sounds so completely doable yet it is impossible.

War will not end but in theory aliens can save us.

1 comment:

Anonomyous said...

Here in lies the genius of batman. Batman is not a great savior of the people. Rather batman is the common enemy that unites everyone into a lack of conflict. your idea for world peace is not so much providing a peace, but rather coming up with a common enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I like it.