Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let Me Try Again

I do not know if it is insecurity or a syndrome of fear but i always think that whatever i write is awwful. Not just bad but repulsive and offends the subject i am addressing.

My last post sucked and everyone knows it so I will try again.

This is a better subject:

I always like the villain and not the hero.
I know we should like the hero.
I know we should like the right side.
I know we should like the light.

But i like the darkness.

I can prove my own arguments wrong but I still feel this and I will try to defend my positions with pop culture references.

1. Darkness provides safety in numbers.
Let us use the world of V for Vendetta and say V never existed. The government would be declared darkness by critics. If you were with the government you were safe with them. If you were a nazi you were safe in world war 2.
The rebutle is that in both instances good prevailed and kicked darknesses butt.
But tell me... If you lived in Germany in 1939 would you be sure that good existed and would win? Id have joined the Nazis. self preservation. If you lived in 1996 (cuz v was a 90s comic. not a 22nd century) would you be certain guy fawkes would come back to save you? i would have worked for fate.

2. Darkness gives solutions
Star Wars. Anakin Skywalker went to the dark side to help save his love. Let us look at Kingdom Hearts. Kyku went into the dark to save Kire. He did not have any better options at the same and even if it was a stretch that darkness would help he would take that gamble.
In both instances the good guy kills the bad guy. Luke kills Darth Vader and Sora vanquishes Kyku.
But if you were in the position to lose someone you love or go to the darkside to help, wouldnt you take the gamble?

I know in both instances good wins in a matter of time. In the real world good will win in a matter of time.
Batman won after Gotham was destroyed. (In the comics Joker replaces batman for like 8 issues).
The allies killed germany.
V destroyed the eyes, the nose, the hand, and eventually fate as a whole.
Luke kills Vader.
Sora never really beats darkness because Kingdom Hearts realizes that as long as there is a light there is a shadow somewhere.

I do not think you understand my fear yet and why I would choose darkness.

Zombie movies.

Zombies kill people. People being the important word there.
You are only a person until a zombie turns you into a zombie.
Zombies create conformity.

Instead of trying to fight all the zombies like you see in every movie, if you were bitten earlier you wouldnt have 3 hours of fear infront of you.
If you side with darkness you have little to fear.

Do i know that good will win in the end? Yes
Does that make me feel better? Ask a Jew in 1942 for that answer.


Mj said...

you assume V is good. V is the archetypal shadow... furthermore, the anti-hero... to associate V with the light is a misunderstanding of his character. i have to wonder about your first argument.

Mj said...

i can't comment on star wars... i am supposed to like it because it is the highest grossing movie of all time and it is a nearly-perfect 21st century epic... but i think it is dull...

Mj said...

is there more than the disintegration of fear?

ÄÐrago said...

people are suffering...
is this good or bad?
