Thursday, November 20, 2008


I will do this backwards. I will just say facts and then say at the end what I think.

Ophelia seems to need advice from Polonius and Laertes.
Laertes tells her to protect her heart which sounds like she is still innocent.
Polonius is whoring Ophelia out which means she probably has a connection to Hamlet on a level which is more than friends.
Hamlet tells her to go to a nunnery which seems to suggest that she could be sexually active.
Ophelia is startled by Hamlet's behavior but you never hear her complain which suggests a greater connection.
Ophelia is the opposite female of Gertrude and Gertrude definitely would have slept with him.
Out of every character to approach on his own, Hamlet approaches Ophelia.

I will say yes they had sex. I think it is hard to deny they have had sexual interactions but I think yes they had sex. I had facts for both and I do not think we will know. It would be easier to see if they had or had not based on body language and such but then the appearance verses reality thing comes in and changes that. I will say yes and I would enjoy to debate this.

Nextly tomorrow is hero day for me. I would like to talk about heroes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Skakespeare or Shady

Here is the where a thought talk done Sunday lead.

There are people for and against music of all kinds and we call those tastes. You can stereotype tastes with a stereotyped person. In this thought talk it was said that classical music and Voltaire appeal to the more intellectual taste. Rap music seems to appeal more to the unintellectual. So is it that music is the outcome of the intellect of the person or that the intellect makes the music.

Shakespeare has more depth and layers in it. It has parallel structure and sylloloquies and extended metaphors. Shakespeare allows someone to read a page and then analyze the page to give away a deeper meaning. Then there is Harry Potter who is more shallow and what you read is all there is to it. This appeals to a lower crowd in literature.

This is more about taste than anything else. You could argue that the difference is that the vernacular is changed so that it fits the crowd it appeals to. For all we know in 400 years people will be analyzing Harry Potter.

Heres my question. Is the piece written to appeal to an audience or is an audience made around that piece?

There was a book written called The Jungle and it was written to just be a good story about an immigrant I think. Just an average Joe he lives in a meat processing facility. The book missed that audience for the most part and moved onto a Progressive audience who took that book as a sign for change. In that scenario an audience forms around that book.

A lot of instances have a book written for that audience. People will say that it will vary from case to case but I do not want that answer.

Let us look at music now. Fall Out Boy writes what they would view as a rock album or more an emo album yet it is taken as pop. Thus the audience has defined the work. You can have someone like eminem who is writing the album to raise awareness for many issues and that is denoted and everyone takes his work as something else. It seems that the author has some opinion in what he thinks his own art is but the world can change its purpose.

This is all quite postmodern but O well.

Does the audience define the piece or does the piece define the audience?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Unname Them

My last blog was about a sophomore at SCS is my study hall and not about ginger.
I do feel like leaving another though.

I am an avid text messager. I go heavily into the thousands each month. I do meet new people through text messaging as odd as it sounds. The first thing someone asks you when you send them a text and they do not know who you are is "who are you."

The very first thing they want is a name. They never ask for your political stance or your beliefs. Never how you feel about child abuse and abortion. It is your name. Out of every single thing to ask a stranger you ask for their identity. This is for an unlimited about of reasons but I will say 2. They need something to associate with or they do not like being in the unknown.

Let us go over the first. We love names. Names is what we categorize by. My phone book is organized by names. Not this is my best friend and this person is crass but their name. Names carry so much though. If I walked into a soda bar and asked for a drink and I never said my name it would not mean anything. I would be a stranger. Anything you hear from me is fine and your life is the same. If I went into that same soda bar and said my name was George Bush the whole thing changes. Now you have questions for me or complaints. The whole difference is my name is associated with something else.

If we did not have names it would be easy to start again as people say. You could go from place to place and you would start from scratch with every new person you meet. People are more focused on our names that they ignore anything else about us.

This blog is because in physiology tuesday I began texting a new person and she only cared about my name and would not talk to me unless I told her my name. I told her about how my dog died when I was 15. That event of my dog dying was one of the top 5 things that formed my mentality and such. She did not care though because she did not know my name. We are so focused on names and everything that comes with them that we ignore what does not involve the name.

The part about us not liking the unknown is fairly straight forward. We like knowing the name but this is also an extremely deep topic that I will speak of in the future.

Do not tell me your name. Tell me who you are. When you die your grave will give me your name so I do not want it until then.

The Call of Duty

There is a large misconception with the people of America that the male is supposed to pay for everything. I am going to use an oddly twisted history to prove that this is not the case.

Back in the day prior to World War I women were completely reliant on their husbands. They did not have any money or education so their only chance of surivival was on this. An odd proof would be Mormonism and how their doctrines made back in the 1800s had the woman completely reliant on the male. Biblical times had the male as the provider and women as the home maker.

With this ideology it seems fit that the man pays for everything. Given my age everything encompasses dates and so forth and not so much as bills. The thinking with this mentality would be that it is just establishing the relationship as a dependance from female to male.

That is all fine and good until women get the vote after World War 1. Now they have the same amount of political sway as the male. Then they get the same jobs as males in World War 2. That is due to the war leaving jobs availible but after the war women continued to be a heavy presence in the work place. Then came women joining the military. That is my odd history to prove that women gradually got equality to the male.

Culuturally we shall look at it differently. 1800s you could beat your wife. 1920 you can not longer beat your wife but you can beat your kids. 1970 you cannot beat your kids. Kids grow up thinking beating is repulsive (which it is) so they do not inflict anything upon their kids or wives and thus make them more equal. That is a stretch argument though with little to support it and difficult to put into typed words.

So females want equality and that is fine. In that equality though they need to share everything equal. You cannot get every good side of the world and not accept any of the negative things. Females can join the military but cannot go to war. Females can have the same jobs as males but are not as prone to being fired since they can sue their employer for being sexist.

You cannot have every good thing in the world and not take any of the bad parts and assume it will all work out.

My point is this. Guys should not pay for everything and every date. If you want to be treated like an equal and not an inferior person than you should start paying for more and carrying your own weight. As it is with the common american girl, you have to pay for everything and do everything and feed them with currency and compliments just to keep their finger off the trigger.

If you want to be treated like an equal then balance this equation.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why Do Right Part 1

Lauren was absolutely right.

I have every intention of atempting to offend 3 types of people in this blog and it is for good cause.

As is it we have people who just do bad things. You can define bad things as you wish because you will most likely be correct. We have the ignored people and we have the people overseeing both.

The bad people at Seattle Christian are stereotypically the more wealthy out of the bunch. They can afford most anything they like so naturally they need to resort to the lower level activities of society to make them content.

The ignored people are the good people who have a couple of few really good friends. They sit alone and are silent if they are not with their friends. No one knows their names. No one knows much about them besides their names if they know it. These are the people that can leave the school and no one notices. These are the people that make up a majority of the world. These are the people that keep the world floating.

There are the over seers. They are called teachers. I have had 4 classes today which showed this 3 times so I am basing evidence as a whole off of a small sampling. These teachers glorify the people fit into the first category. They must know that they are dumb because it is written on their face and the first category seems to try to seem dumb. Yet the teachers continue to glorify them by making them exceptions to rules and being lax. It is in their loose policies that they let these smart people slide more into their own sin but in doing so put the 2nd type of person lower.

The next part is based on a true story witnessed by Lauren Rubio. 4 people failed to do an assignment so they cheated on it and turned it in for full credit. These 4 people are from the first category. They received that full credit. They received a better score than some people that do it on their own. So you have the first group above the 2nd group because they did the wrong thing.

The teachers do not do anything about it. In fact they congratulate the first group at being so good at the assignment they really did not do. So now the opinion of the teacher is raised by the first group and is lowered to the second group because they are not as good.
The first group will most likely advance to a college of more merit than the first group for having superior grades and having more money than the second. This is still based on small samplings and stereotypes.

So here is the question:
Why do good?
What stops the second category becoming more like the first category? Pride? God? Moral law? Conscience? Peers? Fear?
Despite how bad these all sound, it is better to be caught and failed for 1 out of 100 assignments than failed for all the ones you did not do.
The response is that if they are caught and failed they will learn and do better. But here is the thing. The 3rd group has supported ans reinforced the 1st category for so long that they no longer see the harm in which they do and do not want to change.

It is all of our faults and we all fit into a category at some part in our lives. Why why should we do good if you are not going to stop us?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

War All of the Time

I think war is grand. I moved my computer into my room because its just better here. Laptops are so portable. In my room you will see instantly 2 large civil war portraits. Over my bed is Confederate currency and a hand drawn sketch of Gettysburg. I have 30 books on war and some 20 war history movies. I truly do think war is grand.
I do like the battles and such but those bore me now. The battle of war is boring now but the purpose of war is riveting.
War has to be killing people. If war was blowing up cars that is meaningless. Cars can be replaced. Money can be replaced. Anything can really be replaced. People cannot be replaced. You cannot bring someone back from the dead and that is why war is about killing people. It is that loss of life that makes war killing people.
In a love for war I tried to come up with my cure for war. My plan for world peace.
The biggest issue with world peace is that it is truly impossible. See with every war there is a winner and a loser. The loser is then put into shame and then wants to somehow overthrow the winner. Germany tried twice. They were bitter.
It has Marx's belief in 2 classes. The lower will want to overthrow the upper so let us continue thinking like marxists. Let us use Marx's beliefs and make world peace out of it. World peace will come if everyone is equal but not everyone can win because there must be a loser.
So my strategy for world peace is this: Everyone must lose the same way.
If the entire world was hit by a meteor and a lot of people died... no one would care about their wars anymore. If aliens attacked the world people would join together and have world peace because they all lost together. No one is greater than another anymore because everyone lost.

They have to lose the same because if one person lost 1 sheep and another 5 the person that lost 1 sheep was a winner and the person that lost 5 would be jealous.

That plan sounds so completely doable yet it is impossible.

War will not end but in theory aliens can save us.

Why Do We Write?

It has been brought to my attention that I write too much. So why do we write at all?

Are we writing to the piece or to the audience?
I cant help and think that Marx wrote to himself and that Mein Kamf was to pass the time but really I do not think changing the world was the authors intention. I think they wrote to you. I do not mean you as in whoever you are. I do not know who reads this. I do not know who will ever read it. "You" are the one person that reads the piece and can understand or relate. You are the person sitting in the front seat of the auditorium while someone practices the piano. You are the reason people write. Yes people do write to help themselves by getting their feelings on paper. Yes people write for money and some write for a bigger purpose. I know I write for you. I imagine Hitler and Marx wrote for you. You. The one person that might listen. You do not have to agree or believe it but you are the one person that reads it and for you we write.

One thing I did not like about today was how people asked questions to the Bible guild but they used their own personal conflict with one person on the board into it. Do not bring your own personal disputes into a public place.
One thing I did wish though was that the guild fighting each other. There was 1 Calvinist 2 Arminians and 1 nondenominational that seemed lost. The Calvinist was by far the wisest. By no means did he agree completely with the other 3. I think it would have been beautiful to see everyone turn and to see this argument among them. All their knowledge battling each other. Attack, attack, rebutle, attack. Debates are chess but more like war.
It was in this personal grievance that I think I know what I wish blogs were. I wish this medium of writing was conducted. You have the piece. The readers can be critics and comments are the place to say how I am wrong. I actually enjoy being told I am wrong. I get really angry. Very angry and it is in that anger that one has 2 choices: defend yourself and prove you are right or stand corrected. It is a great feeling to need a defense or submit.
Write with controversy. Write with the words you wish you could say in person but never could.
Do not write a text message or something someone already knows. If your audience knows what you are going to say it might not be worth writing. Write about that thing that you only know. In person you feel like you would need 200 words to describe an apple and you have always wanted to describe an apple. The blog can be that place to say the things you could not put into words. Do not say things most people already know but describe that apple that only you know about. If you can text it it probably isnt worth publishing. It might take someone 500 words and some 1000 to say what they want and it is fine. As long as you have the idea and the finger strength you have the audience but nobody wants to hear what they already know.

Do mind that this is directed at this people that blog outside of assignments. Assignment blogs and these kinds of things are separate things.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marxist Relations

I would say that relationships are marxist. Not love relationships but more like the relationship between workers or a student teacher relationship.
It has what Marx is talking about.
teachers are above the student and they keep it that way. They maintain order and discipline so that the class can progress. Yes it progresses but to the amount that the person in charge allows.

Lets look at another place in which people learn. Small groups. I do not have a small group nor do i intend on joining one but let us look at the ideology of it. Small group has a leader but that leader is part of the group. He is not above the group nor below the group but rather a part of the group. I do not know how well this works or if people follow it exactly but this is another method of teaching.

Marxist teaching has pros and cons. It does maintain order quite well so it is the most functional. You can meet deadlines and standards quite easily but you can create suppression. If the teacher is above the class then equality cannot happen and this leads to favorites. Teachers have favorites. Bosses have favorites. This creates classes. You have the teacher and then the favorites then the normal kids then the undesirable ones.

I say nothing about the class being good or not because the teacher controls that so it can vary.

A small group session may have the leader but he is one of ten. That leader may have a favorite but they are all one of ten. No one has more authority than another so progress can occur. You may not meet standards or deadlines easily because you will not have much order in this method but hopefully you are trading off for a better understanding.

Now I will bluntly attack those people that feel that they need to rule with authority with an iron fist. You are not better than me nor am I better than you. You are only qualified to hold your position because you were born first. Because you were born first you went to college first and thus are teaching but that does not mean you are better. No one controls when they are born. The moral is you can be in authority because that is the style you have chosen to rule by but once you have used that power to say I am better than you for this and that you have created classes.

How this is marxist must be quite obvious. The lower class will eventually overthow the upper class. Workers will quit their jobs and leave their bosses empty handed. People will rise up and overthrow the government. Students will act rebelliously to upset the teacher.

It is all quite marxist. Just be careful how you treat the people below you.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Endless Waltz

Of course i never like my blogs so i will leave multiple.

I am going to be blasphemous and say I am the new Nietzsche.
Why? because i have some bold theories and thoughts that you can tear apart and you will talk about them and say they are garbage but I would like to see people come up with better and even if they are complete garbage for the first time in your life you are thinking and not thinking like you were taught to but thinking like you should.

I have 4 brain babies. I call them my brain babies because they were born in my mind and they grow there and they change there and i think about them there and that is where my babies live.

My babies:
Endless Waltz was born first in July
Redemption of the Future is the second mid September
358/X was born this past Saturday along with his sister
Birth by Sleep

I would like to talk about Endless Waltz first.
It was born before i knew anything like this already existed. These are straight up thoughts and ideas and they should be blasphemous and wrong.

Endless Waltz was my answer to why everything wrong continues to happen. Why everything continues to happen. It does have the same name as a Gundam Wing movie but it has no relation to the movie.

A waltz is a 3 beat per measure dance. Endless meaning it never stops. So my endless waltz is a 3 beat dance that never stops.
This same idea is close to another 3 beat idea. the thesis. antithesis and synthesis.

My waltz in war. The revolution, the war, the peace which gives way to a later revolution, another war, and more peace. This is quite marxist. very marxist.

My waltz in relationships. the disagreement, the fight, the settlement.
My waltz in the economy. the recession, the depression, the boom.
My waltz politics. the idea, the action, the compromise.

My waltz is a beautiful dance. The beginning, the climax, the falling action.

and you can go throw history and see my waltz. you can go throw your life and see my waltz.
sometimes the maestro changes the tempo so things happen differently. sometimes something happens and you sit a dance out so it doesnt happen the way i say. but my waltz goes on and on.

can my waltz end? probably yes but I do not see any sign of it
I imagine someone has had this idea before. I imagine people have claimed this same exact thing but I do not know of it. If more do say this then I have been dancing with company for quite sometime.

Life is a dance within a dance within a dance within a dance.
We are born. we live. we die.
while we live we procreate and the dance continues. not with us but the dance lives on.
We eat. we digest. we excrete. which requires more to eat.
we learn. we test. we graduate so we can learn more and test more and graduate on

everything has an exception. everything can be proven wrong. everything has a hole. ahhh but in that hole is another exception which proves more wrong which leaves more holes.

everything my fallacies are waltzing.

I assume so much to be true and I expect so little to change
But we are still waltzing.

people are suffering...

" why do we fall down bruce? so we learn to pick ourselves up"

ya know what. people are suffering.
ya know what. they should

in my sad and sick head there are 2 different kinds of suffering. there is a helpless suffering that people are stuck with and there is a temporary suffering that will go away.
Example of the first would be african people starving. theyre suffering
an example of the second would be my mother has cancer.

both are awful. in no way and i saying this should make you glad. i cannot help the first really. i cannot save them. i cannot aid them to the point that they need. i applaud them for being better than i am.
the second though... i almost want to say we should let them suffer

my reason is because they are walking away from this so much better than before if they realize it. should we ignore them in their suffering? no. but should we make it so that they no longer feel any suffering? no

this is the first time someone could be faced with seeing someone die. that is a very important thing. the whole theme of the world is this is my escape. we should stop trying to escape and face that suffering.

we turn to drugs, sex, drinking, friends, music, art, journals. anything to get us away from this suffering. we keep running from everything we fear and we run from everything that causes us pain. we need pain. should our lives be pain? no. but we need pain.

Pain and suffering are either important to us maturing or through pain and suffering we do mature. Jesus was tempted, Paul was blinded, every greek hero has a fall before they triumph, every comic hero messes up before they succeed.

I never defined suffering or pain here but i do not want to. i want you to define it and then reread everything and see if this all makes sense.

suffering is caused by something. that suffering brings on self trials, self trials brings about triumph, that triumph gives us experience and out of experience comfort and out of that comfort more suffering in time.

lets say my mother has brain cancer, that makes me very worried that she will die, i have to live for 3 months thinking that she might die, she does not die, i have faced a possible death for 3 months and now i am experienced with that. i have grown from my suffering. eventually more suffering will come and i will take that too and grow

the whole point of this is that people try so hard to avoid suffering and in avoiding that suffering they miss any amount of experience they could get

people are suffering
and it is good

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Summer Overture

I know that V is not good but when blogging last night I thought of V as the redemption or hope in the world of England so I used him as the figure of light. V is a figure of darkness and Eve says so because she talks about his whole plot is evil and made out of hatred. In the movie Eve flips out and wants to leave because he is so evil but in the novel she finds this almost attractive? attractive as in it is comforting to her.
If V is the redemption for England so you want to replace darkness with a shadow then your world is in dark hands.

Summer Overture:

originally written by Mozart but redid by Mansel for Requiem for a Dream

A completely different song

I do not expect anyone to ever listen to those songs nor agree that they are good

The relation to these songs is that I marvel over both of them. see i wanted to be a composer when i grew up. i wanted to write the background music to movies. my father played me Jim Brickman as a child and we went to his concerts and he was a composer. i like it so much that when I saw Jim live in the capital building i decided i wanted to be a composer. If more people played Kingdom Hearts i would talk about how that made up my mind completely.

Composing was just this beautiful art in itself and then when you mix it with a movie... well its just an unstoppable force of emotions. Movies in my opinion are the greatest art form we have thus far. Its like every artist got together and decided on one big art. You have the composer who writes music. You have the director who is like painter. You have the actors who are the characters. You have the script writers who are the poets and all these arts hit you at once. You soak in all these art forms at once. The Titanic. What if they had different actors? what if they had different music? what if they had a different setting or script? the combination of all those arts mad a movie and people recognized that movie. you may not like it or deny it but the sales give some merit to my claim.

why would i talk about summer overture then?
Because I would have to say that is my lifes song. My life does not need words. Life has fast and intense movements and slow waltzs. Life is nothing but cut and double time in 4/4 with the metronome driving you onward.

and the summer overture has it all. it has beauty. it has fierce. it has waltzs. it has ballads. it has your a tonal music in places. you could totally picture someone dying to that song. most people think of movie trailers or fighting scenes in movies. its post modern to say but i think you can take anything you want from that song. You could invision stabbing someone to watching a child being born during that song.

But that is the point! i like that i can see 467 things happening in that song because life has 476 things happening in it. People have a life verse and thats cool but i cant say that verse contains life nor would i would to associate my life with all that encompasses in it with a verse and everything it stands for.
So Much Love can only be a life song for so many people and life isnt so much love all the time. Life does not even have words most of the time. I was born without words. I will die without words.
Life is a crescendo with no last note to end the measure.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let Me Try Again

I do not know if it is insecurity or a syndrome of fear but i always think that whatever i write is awwful. Not just bad but repulsive and offends the subject i am addressing.

My last post sucked and everyone knows it so I will try again.

This is a better subject:

I always like the villain and not the hero.
I know we should like the hero.
I know we should like the right side.
I know we should like the light.

But i like the darkness.

I can prove my own arguments wrong but I still feel this and I will try to defend my positions with pop culture references.

1. Darkness provides safety in numbers.
Let us use the world of V for Vendetta and say V never existed. The government would be declared darkness by critics. If you were with the government you were safe with them. If you were a nazi you were safe in world war 2.
The rebutle is that in both instances good prevailed and kicked darknesses butt.
But tell me... If you lived in Germany in 1939 would you be sure that good existed and would win? Id have joined the Nazis. self preservation. If you lived in 1996 (cuz v was a 90s comic. not a 22nd century) would you be certain guy fawkes would come back to save you? i would have worked for fate.

2. Darkness gives solutions
Star Wars. Anakin Skywalker went to the dark side to help save his love. Let us look at Kingdom Hearts. Kyku went into the dark to save Kire. He did not have any better options at the same and even if it was a stretch that darkness would help he would take that gamble.
In both instances the good guy kills the bad guy. Luke kills Darth Vader and Sora vanquishes Kyku.
But if you were in the position to lose someone you love or go to the darkside to help, wouldnt you take the gamble?

I know in both instances good wins in a matter of time. In the real world good will win in a matter of time.
Batman won after Gotham was destroyed. (In the comics Joker replaces batman for like 8 issues).
The allies killed germany.
V destroyed the eyes, the nose, the hand, and eventually fate as a whole.
Luke kills Vader.
Sora never really beats darkness because Kingdom Hearts realizes that as long as there is a light there is a shadow somewhere.

I do not think you understand my fear yet and why I would choose darkness.

Zombie movies.

Zombies kill people. People being the important word there.
You are only a person until a zombie turns you into a zombie.
Zombies create conformity.

Instead of trying to fight all the zombies like you see in every movie, if you were bitten earlier you wouldnt have 3 hours of fear infront of you.
If you side with darkness you have little to fear.

Do i know that good will win in the end? Yes
Does that make me feel better? Ask a Jew in 1942 for that answer.


If your homework assignment was do the art project then yes I did it. If it is more than that I will need to change the font of sams on monday.

My next topic before I get to my title is this:
I understand journaling and I understand why people love it so much. My issue with it is that my hand does not move nearly as fast as my hand does. Once you start digging into something you get 5678 memories and thoughts and your hand can only tackle one at a time. Mrs. Brandmire would say the remedy to this is to journal more and you will gain strength and endurance which creates speed so all i really need to do is journal more.
I think I made this blog my journal. I am probably the worst typer in technique. I watched Dexter's Lab as a kid and Dexter always typed with 2 fingers and he was really fast. Naturally as a kid i decided i would also type with 2 fingers. This means i still type with 2 finges but 10 years of practice means i have 2 very quick fingers.
What I am trying to say is that I have made this blog my live journal. Live Journal was the thing to have before myspace but thats old news so is my new journal.

Nextly I do not wish to talk about that chord post I had last night. Pretty much Paramores new songs werent even written by them. Theyre just Kaiser Chief covers. Decode? its been decoded before? Loves not a competition? it wasnt when the kaisers did it either.

Now on to Highschool Musical 3. Naturally looking at a kids movie makes you walk away thinking. These are my thoughts.
Some parents plan their childrens future so when they grow up their parents have a plan for them which theyve known for 18 years. Not the best but o well.
There is also we had complete free choice in our past and we ruined it so now our future is limited.
Let say my parents wanted me to go to UW so when i grew up they made me go to UW. Not fun for me in some instances.
Lets say my parents let me do anything i want so i do poorly at school and cannot get into UW if i wanted to.

Theres alot of things that can ruin our future and not many ways to make anything out of it or to correct it.
I guess were all Troy Fulton in some way.
we gotta get get get getcha head in the game.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm a Banana!

I'm a Banana!

that is the senior quote

this chord diagram might come in handy for tomorrows blog


e ---|---|---|---|---|
B ---|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|---|-x-|---|---|
B ---|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|---|---|---|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|---|-x-|---|---|

e ---|-x-|---|---|---|
B ---|---|-x-|---|---|
G ---|---|---|-x-|---|
D ---|---|---|-x-|---|
A ---|-x-|---|---|---|
E ---|-o-|---|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B ---|-x-|---|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B -x-|---|---|---|---|
G ---|---|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|-x-|---|---|
E ---|---|-o-|---|---|

e ---|---|---|---|---|
B -x-|---|---|---|---|
G ---|-x-|---|---|---|
D ---|-x-|---|---|---|
A ---|---|---|---|---|
E ---|---|---|---|---|

e ---|-x-|---|---|---|
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pictures are Worth 20% off with a Sears Discount

I finally got my senior pictures taken. I procrastinated like none other.

I wanted to get something taken like my early year pictures. I got my kindergarten picture taken on a slide and I was in my green corduroys that I liked so much. I got my Pre K picture taken on a train. They were adorable looking back on them. Theyre those pictures that you want your parents to show people. I am not being conceited but rather proud that I once has an adorable smile and now you think that you look odd.

That is how I began my academic life. On a train.

I wanted to leave my academic life on that same train. I went to walmart and Sears and they do not have a train. What Sears did have was an odd photographer and did not care what people wanted to do. I mean this as in he was not a photographer that says do this or that but rather gave a suggestion or told you how to do what was in your head. He let me bring my youth into my senior.

I took 9 pictures. 9 hilarious pictures. well 7 hilarious and 2 cute. 1 of the hilarious is down right epicly hilariously amazingly funny.

I came in on a train and im leaving with a lamb in a bath tub.

everyone takes pictures of people with a backdrop or people in a sweater and a romantic scenery. Its boring! why do we all have to have the same picture style? Maybe just Maybe someone wants to do something different.

My mother does not like them. She was raised when girls wore dresses and guys wore suits in their senior photo. She completely hates them. My dad is indifferent. My sister thinks theyre hilarious. My sisters friend's mom hates them.

I can see Johnson kinda maybe liking them. I can see faculty hating them. I can see students thinking theyre epic. I think if you look at them creatively its cool. I think if you think of them as dissrespectful you are missing the point.

Let us look at a movie named Patch Adams. Let us look at his graduation. Everyone is finely dressed and its so formal and proper and yep. BUUTT Patch walks in with a patients gown with no pack and moons everyone. I remember it being funny as a really little kid. It is so out of place it can be taken offensively or funny.

My dad said if i can live with showing my kids that when im 40 then its fine.
I can easily do that.

I do not want to show my kid a picture of me and then 72 pictures just like them. "gee dad, youre quite the conformist."

I want to be that "gee dad, you might as well have worn a patients gown"

I am serious. I have given up most of my humor for seriousness. I do not want to be remembered as serious all the time. I want to be remembered as imaginative.

That is what i was going for.

Although I may be 13 years older, I still will ride that train. I am not too cool for a train.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Study Hall in the Computer Lab

I want to blog everyday and I will start with my observations of the 3 people around me in the computer lab and turn it into a lit term or life lesson.

Jacob is coloring his Civics homework and he is coloring it all predominately blue. Blue meaning democrat. Blue meaning Obama will win. He wants McCain to win but he realizes that Obama will most likely PWN. This shows that Jacob can see things realistically. He sets aside his own feelings and can see things for how they can be. Jacob is right handed. He colors with blue in his right hand. Jacob is just an average joe. If he was left handed he would mean more. Can something so small as our hand determine our status in life? Alot of actors are left handed. Link from Zelda holds his sword left handed. Inductive reasoning says lefties mean more. But that is as inductive as a Narnian curse.

Cameron speaks loudly and about nothing. He speaks loudly to make up for the lack of depth of what he says. He is blabbering and quite annoying.

Matt Anderson is lying on his resume. A lie will get him into college. A lie can help him succeed. The truth has him go to BCC with all the other potential average joes. A lie can help that average Joe to go UW. so why tell the truth? Curious.

Mrs. Pitts enforces everything the school says. I wonder if it is fear of losing her job for disobeying or her natural personality that makes her so ordinant. She spends her free time on her job. He does her job to the T. Because she does her job so accurately she has a low morale rate. I wonder if you can lose your job for doing is too accurately. If no one likes you no one will keep you around. But if you spend all your time having people like you then you are not doing your job.

I will even be so bold as to critique the chapel today. Well done good sir. The only issue is that starting with something funny makes you want to only hear funny so once something serious comes up it is impossible to stay focused. The idea is to entice people into the sermon. Being funyn is the hook. It is the riff to start your song. The issue is that if the riff is the only good part of the song people will turn it off after the first 30 seconds. I suppose every sermon giving technique is difficult so that is why I applaud you to no end.

The only reason why you made it into this blog is because you dart in and out of the room to your computer and back.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I did not need to blog but oh well

I was a 4th hour winner but I have no problem doing this homework.

BUUTTT since I do not have to do the homework I will answer it as I wish and not directly answer any question asked.

Art can be absolutely anything if it is defined as art by a society or some type of body. In the future everyone can think of a locker as art and by George that is art to them. So art can be anything if it meets a society's standard. We could view the Colosseum as art today but back in the day it was just a structure. Art is defined by a group of people and not an individual. The relationship between a person and art is mostly just the aesthetic response. I can say I like something or do not like something but that does not deprive its title from being art. Also just because I say it is art, that does not make it so.

I can say my table is art. My table is just wood with a blue table clothe. Do you think my table is art? I think it is art. I really do! Why dont you think that? Maybe because I do not define art but you are going off of the standard made by society.

So it can include anything and it can exclude anything. It depends on the time and society. People can think a massacre is art while we view it as horrific. I believe theres a cultural difference but society is in a culture.

There is Art. Culture. Society. Person. I would say that is the chain of events.

Monday, October 20, 2008

No Assignment

I did not write a journal today. All I wrote was blah over and over again. I am away from my journal so this is what I will put in it.

Life is unfair but it supposed to be. It is supposed to suck but remember to smile. We hate what we should do and reward the rebels. We praise every girl who will blow easily and we ridicule the girls that do what is right.

Cheat and you will fail. Cheat and you will succeed. Try on your own and you will be tagged as mediocre. Mediocre does not drive a Mercedes. Mediocre rides a bicycle. Why should we not cheat then?

If everyone cheats then how will we progress? If we do not move forward we will move backwards.

Cheaters always prosper. Doing what is right makes sure someone can.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

1. God in the Universe - " This'll be the day I die"
By declaring he will die that day or knowing he will die that day shows the human is the god of the universe.

2. Humanity and Identity- " I was a teenage broncin' buck"
Humans are developing creatures which shows they develop in stages. He was a broncin buck but we changes. Humanity is constantly changing.

3. Conflict- " Bye bye Miss American Pie"
His love of music. his love. its dying. thats conflicting

4. Hope and Redemption- "The day the music dies"
He wants his music back. His hope is that it comes back but it cant so he has no redemption.

5. Values- " I met a girl who sang the blues" " Bye Bye miss American Pie"
Theres a connection but I dont want to discuss it. He values his music. Not so much the rest of the world.

6. Truth- " I couldnt take one more step"
He is talking about himself and his relationship with the world this whole time. The only universe we know from this work is him and music. To say the world is nothing without music is not based on this work. To say the author is representing a secular humanist view of himself is correct.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Matrix Of Oz

The matrix separates reality and this fictional reality. They have a computer make this fake reality that people live in.

The Wizard of Oz has Dorthy who is in the real world and she dreams of this fake world called Oz.

Theyre alike because both acknowledge that their is a real world... atleast were told there is a real world. They both suggest that there is a fictional world. Both treat this fictional world as if it is the real world. Dorthy knew Oz was fake yet she acted like it was real.

Theyre similar because both have a higher power as the designer of the fake world who lives in the real world. Dorthy is in Kansas and dreams of Oz. The architect? I believe that is his title. He is in the real world but makes a computer program that is the fake world.

Theyre different because Dorthy is in control of Oz and can leave it at any given momment. Dorthy is also the only person in Oz who full realizes that Oz is fake. All the other characters know of Kansas by Dorthy but cannot really grasp a world outside of Oz.
Neo struggles with accepting there is a Matrix and a real world but he eventually accepts it. He is not the only person who realizes the difference between the real and the programed. Zion is filled with people who acknowledge the programmmed world. Though they know first hand of the different worlds, unlike Dorothy they cannot do anything to end the fake world.

The stories are also different that although Dorthy is a real character in a dreamed world she lives by the laws of the real world. The people of the Matrix learn how to bend the limitations of reality in the real world since it is fake.

In Oz the witches have "supernatural" abilities while the other characters act somewhat normal. In the Matrix anyone in the fake world can bend the limitations of that world and thus are not limited to a born ability.

They are different in someways by worldview as well.

The Matrix has 2 large oppressed sides of this war and it is a clear cut war. The Wizard of Oz has the people of Oz who are the majority being ruled by the minority of witches. Lets say the witches' powers are like property... some have it some dont. The people are being ruled because one person has the property and the rest dont. This suppression by force and the eventual triumph over the oppressors is a Marxist/Lenninist view.

The Matrix ends with the 2 large forces agreeing. Agent Smith ends but he isnt the cause of the war. The war ends by the 2 sides just calling truce.

I spent all this time and never addressed how they view reality.

The Matrix treats reality as a separate entity other than the real world. Both exist and both have ties to one another. The Matrix is heavily reliant of the real world. The Matrix is continually being interjected with agents and zionists. The Wizard of Oz has the real world separate from it and it has some looser ties. Dorthy mixes her own experiences and views into Oz but other than that we cannot see her Kansas anymore.I think the tornado and her Kansas floating infront of her window is a symbol of the worlds being mixed and after the mixing there are no more ingredients added.

After going to borders and buying some books I come back with new insight. I do not think the Matrix being a computer generated world means a thing. It does not prove any humanist or theistic thinking. The real dilemma is the architect. It is that one PERSON decided they wanted to create a fictional world. This person is in the real world and wants to create a fictional world and he can make that a reality through the computer programming. I do not care if you are wearing a black or blue suit. I want to know why youre wearing a suit and the colors are symmantics.
If we know why the architect made it... (I bet it says in the movies but I am so far removed from it that it doesnt come to my memory) then we can know why the Matrix exists and what worldview the whole story is. If we know why he made it then we know his worldview.
I sure hope i remember that point because I will most likely forget it by noon tomorrow.

I would also like to say despite my intrigue for this topic I will refrain some looking at outside information to seem wiser in class because that annoys the hell out of everyone. Subtle references have large impacts on minds that know.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Devil and Mammon are Raging Inside Me


im resisting the urge to look.... but i must do to my lack of remembrance

Mammon means wealth in Aramaic

this makes perfect sense and I applaud Milton for remembering his ancient languages better than I do

Mammon is looking at the street of gold lusting for them = he like gooold
He goes to earth and is still looking for gold
he goes for gold in "ribs". who has ribs? people do! hes creating a lust for gold in us

in conclusion I would like to say that Mammon is the demon responsible for creating Greed in humanity
not greed for power because that is Satan who introduced a lust to be like God
but a greed for property. gold. women. and so forth

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wizard of Poztmoderism

the wizard of oz is postmodern. as in it follows post modernism. why?
1. the people believe they need a powerful god like the wizard of oz. they do not really need one though.
2. the god they make up is fake. a scam. a swindler.he is really not a god but someone who they invented to be a god
3. the human mind is the greatest thing in the entire act or movie or whatever
4. you can become whatever you want to be if you believe you are proving that the human mind is the strongest thing and it proves that your mind has the power to create a god and then be powerful enough to submit yourself to that god

all in all youre just another brick in the yellow brick road